b"R E G E N E R A T I V E E C O S Y S T E M SSOIL & LAND REJUVENATIONThis project aims to convert this landscape into a low-till, self-sustainable ecosystem by using native flora, including 10-15%endangered species, and regenerative practices in hopes that soil andyield conditions will increase overall.The soil at Willowgrove is home to the usualrotational crops found across North America;corn, wheat, rye and soy. The condition of thisland is a perfect example of how soil candegrade over time using traditional farmingpractices.220KM Inc.'s hypothesis is to prove that byregenerating land with native and endangeredplant species, the following is possible:Invigoration of the soilIncreased quality of produce nutrients Data gathering for future ecosystems By partnering with 220KM Inc., Willowgrove hasfound an opportunity to pivot its farmingpractices and serve the land through diversifiednative ecosystem development. This change inpractice should rejuvenate the land, enhancethe quality of produce, and help build healthierecosystems for many generations to come.7"