WHAT ARE The Effects of Ingredient Powder Processing ON NutrientS?

In today’s rapidly evolving food industry, the way we process our ingredients plays a crucial role in determining their nutritional value. From fortified foods to flaxseed powder, the impact of food processing is significant and multifaceted. For ingredient processors, food manufacturers, cosmetic manufacturers, and pharmaceutical manufacturers, understanding these effects is paramount.

Understanding Food Processing

Food processing involves transforming raw ingredients into consumable products. It encompasses various methods such as heating, freezing, milling, and grinding. While these techniques make food more palatable and extend its shelf life, they can also alter its nutritional content.

The Impact of Conventional Processing

Nutrient Loss

Traditional methods like dehydration, milling, and oil pressing can lead to nutrient loss. For example:

  • Dehydration often involves high heat, which can destroy heat-sensitive vitamins.
  • Milling removes fiber-rich outer layers of grains, reducing their nutritional value.
  • Cold pressing leaves behind nutrient-deficient residues after oil extraction.

Negative Effects of Fortified Foods

Fortified foods are designed to compensate for nutrient loss. However, they come with their own set of issues:

  • Imbalance of Nutrients: Over-reliance on fortified foods can lead to an imbalance of nutrient intake.
  • Bioavailability concerns, as fortified nutrients may not be as easily absorbed by the body.

Enter the Silk Stone Process™ (SSP): A revolutionary approach to natural ingredient processing

The Silk Stone Process™ (SSP) is an innovative, zero-waste technology that transforms ingredient processing. By utilizing natural enzymes within plants, SSP creates ultra-fine, nutritionally-rich powders from oilseeds, legumes, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and more.

Why SSP?

Nutritional Superiority

  • Boosts Essential Nutrients: Enhances amino acids, fatty acids, proteins, and fibers.
  • Optimizes Secondary Metabolites: Increases beneficial phytochemicals like carotenoids and beta-glucan.

Zero Waste

  • Utilizes Entire Ingredients: Incorporates shells, husks, and other components to produce fiber-rich powders.

Versatile Applications

  • Ideal for Multiple Industries: Suitable for food, beverage, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic sectors.

How SSP Enhances Nutrient Retention

Dehydration vs. SSP

  • Conventional Dehydration can destroy nutrients. SSP uses fresh materials and activates natural enzymes before moisture removal, preserving more nutrients.

 Milling/Grinding vs. SSP

  • Traditional Milling often excludes fiber-rich outer layers. SSP fully incorporates these layers, resulting in a more nutritious powder.

Cold Oil Pressing vs. SSP

  • Cold Pressing leaves behind nutrient-deficient residues. SSP processes the entire oilseed, retaining higher nutrient content and reducing allergenic potential.

Benefits of SSP Technology

Higher Nutrient Content

  • Retains Essential Nutrients: Maintains higher levels of amino acids, fatty acids, and proteins.
  • Enhances Secondary Metabolites: Optimizes beneficial compounds like phenols and glycosides.

Reduced Allergenic Potential

  • Minimizes Allergens: Reduces allergenic potential in ingredients like peanuts and pistachios.

Environmental and Health Benefits

  • Zero Waste: Utilizes entire ingredients, reducing waste significantly.
  • No Chemical Additives: Eliminates the need for harmful chemicals.

Case Study: Flaxseed Powder 

  • High Cyanogenic Glucoside Reduction: Reduces cyanogenic glucoside by 90%, making it safer for consumption.
  • Enhanced Nutritional Value: Provides a richer source of nutrients compared to traditionally processed flaxseed powder.

Applications of SSP in Various Industries

Food Industry

  • Fortified Foods: Creates nutrient-dense powders that can fortify food products naturally.
  • Plant-Based Protein Trends: Supports the growing demand for plant-based proteins by offering high-quality, nutrient-rich powders.

Cosmetic Industry

  • Natural Cosmetics: Produces ultra-fine powders that enhance the quality of natural cosmetic products without chemical additives.

Pharmaceutical Industry

  • Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients: Offers a reliable source of plant-based pharmaceutical ingredients with enhanced bioavailability and reduced allergenic potential.


The Silk Stone Process™ (SSP) is a game-changer for ingredient processors and manufacturers. By harnessing the power of natural enzymes, SSP not only enhances the nutritional value of plant-based powders but also promotes sustainability through zero-waste processing.

Ready to transform your plant-based ingredients with SSP? Click [here] to learn more or schedule a call with our team.

By integrating SSP into your operations, you can offer your clients nutritionally superior products while setting a new standard for sustainability in the industry. Whether you’re in food manufacturing, cosmetics, or pharmaceuticals, SSP provides an unparalleled solution for producing high-quality, nutritionally-rich powders.

For more information on how SSP can revolutionize your ingredient processing, contact us today.